IMSSEA, as international branch of the Italian Shipping Academy, participates to various international projects and activities aiming at providing technical cooperation and enhancing the maritime safety and security all over the world.
Institutional Support to the State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine in the Implementation of the EU Acquis, Norms and Standards on Maritime Safety
The focus of this twinning project is to accompany the beneficiary country (Ukraine – Maritime Administration) towards the reform of its internal maritime legislation, when necessary, aligning it with the European one in order to achieve concrete and effective operational results in this field. The intention is to involve Public Officers of our maritime administration such that they can, both in theory and in practice, transfer the know-how of the Italian maritime management to the beneficiary, taking into consideration the guidelines and obligations deriving from the European legislation in the field (Regulations, Directives and Decisions).
Airlabò – An innovative, cross-border LABORATORY for improving AIR quality in coastal, port and back-coastal areas.
Airlabò is a simple Interreg project, with a duration of 24 months and a partnership composed of the Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile (Lead Partner), Confindustria Nord Sardegna, QualitAir, Atmosud, ARPAL, Techne Consulting and the Port Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. The project aims to identify a shared strategy among the stakeholders of the port areas of the cooperation area for the improvement of air quality in the reference sites. The intervention methodology consists of interaction between the main stakeholders, identified in three groups: port infrastructure managers, scientific monitoring and control institutions and citizens.
Maritime border surveillance, search and rescue in Mauritania
The general aim of the action is to contribute to strengthening the operational response capacities of Mauritanian public actors responsible for maritime border surveillance (sea and coast), search, rescue, care and protection of migrants taking the Atlantic route. The Italian Shipping Academy, through its international branch IMSSEA, will participate to the action as partner, providing experts and capacity building for the implementation of a “Search and Rescue” procedure compliant with the international regulations.
Sustainable Connectivity Package (SCOPE) – Seafarers -Technical Assistance in the Philippines
The Italian Shipping Academy, through its international branch will provide coordination of technical cooperation measures and activities related to seafarer education and training at both national and regional levels in the Philippines. It will also promote cross-regional university networks and new areas of education such as green transition, sustainability, women’s empowerment, automation, and digitalization in maritime programs.
C7-West Africa
“Coping with Climate Change as a Cause of Conflict in Coast Communities of West Africa” (C7-West Africa) is a Project funded by the European Union, aiming at studying the nexus between environmental degradation in the area of the Niger Delta and the raise of local conflicts, as well as at strengthening Western African Coastal communities’ resilience to cope with climate change reducing its impact as a driver of conflict and insecurity in the Region.
More specifically, the objectives are the development of tools, methods and governance structures enabling cooperation between Communities, National authorities and regional actors, in order to implement climate change adaptation measures and prevent environmental crimes, that are exacerbating the impact of climate change on coastal communities, with a conflict-sensitive approach.